ISSN: 2459-1777 | E-ISSN 2587-0394
Volume : 7 Issue : 1 Year : 2024
Beyoglu Eye Journal - Beyoglu Eye J: 7 (1)
Volume: 7  Issue: 1 - 2022
1. Comparison of Postoperative Corneal Astigmatism Induced by Two Different Corneal Incisions during Microincisional Cataract Surgery
Melisa Zisan Karslıoğlu, Cem Kesim, Ayşe Yıldız Taş, Murat Hasanreisoğlu, Orkun Müftüoğlu, Afsun Şahin
PMCID: PMC8874253  doi: 10.14744/bej.2021.17362  Pages 1 - 8

2. The use of Online Videos for Vitreoretinal Surgery Training: A Comprehensive Analysis
Işıl Kutlutürk, Veysel Aykut, Ebubekir Durmuş
PMCID: PMC8874260  doi: 10.14744/bej.2022.46338  Pages 9 - 17

3. Comparison of Clinical Outcomes of Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Using Two Different Suture Techniques
Emre Aydemir, Hasan Kızıltoprak, Gözde Aksoy Aydemir
PMCID: PMC8874258  doi: 10.14744/bej.2021.36349  Pages 18 - 24

4. Outcomes of External Dacryocystorhinostomy under General and Local Anesthetics in a Tertiary Clinic
Hasan Aytoğan, Mehmet Ali Doran, Emre Ayıntap
PMCID: PMC8874262  doi: 10.14744/bej.2021.95967  Pages 25 - 29

5. Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction and Refractive Amblyopia Risk Factors: Effect of Age at the Time of Probing
Deniz Kılıç, İsmail Aydın, Muhammed Raşit Sirem, Hatice Birgin, Soner Güven
PMCID: PMC8874263  doi: 10.14744/bej.2021.30974  Pages 30 - 34

6. The Effect of Fluorosecein on Corneal Endothelial Structure and Morphology in Diabetic Retinopathy Patients undergone Fundus Fluoresecein Angiography
Ümit Çallı, Yücel Öztürk, Gökhan Demir
PMCID: PMC8874254  doi: 10.14744/bej.2021.80664  Pages 35 - 38

7. Multifocal Electroretinogram Alterations after Intravitreal Ranibizumab Treatment in Diabetic Macular Edema
Sema Tamer Kaderli, Dicle Hazırolan, Güner Üney, Ahmet Kaderli, Nurten Ünlü, Mehmet Akif Acar, Firdevs Örnek
PMCID: PMC8874259  doi: 10.14744/bej.2021.60590  Pages 39 - 46

8. The effects on intravitreal anti-VEGF injections of Covid-19 pandemia in Eastern Black Sea Region of TURKEY
Dilek Uzlu, Hidayet Erdöl, Mehmet Kola, Murat Günay
PMCID: PMC8874256  doi: 10.14744/bej.2021.59244  Pages 47 - 53

9. Central Corneal Thickness Measurements with Different Imaging Devices: Ultrasound Pachymetry, Noncontact Specular Microscopy, and Tono-Pachymetry
Ali Ceylan, İrem Önal, Burak Mergen, Yusuf Yıldırım
PMCID: PMC8874255  doi: 10.14744/bej.2022.82787  Pages 54 - 58

10. Comparison of Clinical and Topographic Outcomes of Hybrid and Scleral Lenses in Advanced Keratoconus
Betül İlkay Sezgin Akçay, Alev Koçkar, Utku limon, Esra Kardeş, Aslıhan Doğan Dursun
PMCID: PMC8874257  doi: 10.14744/bej.2021.29981  Pages 59 - 65

11. Management of Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage during Cataract Surgery: A Case Report
Seher Köksaldı, Canan Aslı Utine, Mustafa Kayabaşı
PMCID: PMC8874261  doi: 10.14744/bej.2021.50455  Pages 66 - 70

12. Acute Myopic Shift and Internal Limiting Membrane Folds Linked to Topiramate Use
Levent Doğan
PMCID: PMC8874252  doi: 10.14744/bej.2021.92905  Pages 71 - 75

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