ISSN: 2459-1777 | E-ISSN 2587-0394
Volume : Issue : Year : 2024
Vertical Retraction Syndrome: Clinical Features And Surgical Outcomes [Beyoglu Eye J]
Beyoglu Eye J. 2018; 3(1): 4-7 | DOI: 10.14744/bej.2018.76486

Vertical Retraction Syndrome: Clinical Features And Surgical Outcomes

Ebru Demet Aygıt1, Selcen Celik1, Osman Bulut Ocak1, Asli Inal1, Ceren Gurez2, Burcin Kepez Yildiz1, Korhan Fazil2, Nilay Kandemir Beşek1, Birsen Gokyigit1, Ahmet Demirok1
1Beyoglu Eye Training And Research Hospital
2Bagcilar Training And Research Hospital

INTRODUCTION: In this study we aimed to report our clinical observation and results of surgical treatment in the patients with Vertical retraction syndrome.
METHODS: The medical records were analyzed retrospectively and five patients included in this study. Detailed ophthalmological examinations and orthoptic exam were performed patients. All patients were followed at least six months
RESULTS: Mean age was 26.8 years. (min: 4 max: 65). In 10 patients, 3 females and 2 males. Family history was positive in 2 patients. All patients had orthophoria end of the surgical treatment.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Vertical retraction syndrome is a rare disease and a special form of retraction syndrome which eye movement is limited by fibrous band. Imaging was important and the surgical approach is featured in this group patients.

Keywords: Strabismus, vertical fibrosis syndrome, Extaocular muscles

Corresponding Author: Ebru Demet Aygıt, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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