ISSN: 2459-1777 | E-ISSN 2587-0394
Volume : 5 Issue : 2 Year : 2024
Beyoglu Eye Journal - Beyoglu Eye J: 5 (2)
Volume: 5  Issue: 2 - 2020
1. Importance of Müller Cells
Sabiha Gungor Kobat, Burak Turgut
PMCID: PMC8784480  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.28290  Pages 59 - 63

2. Effects of Topical Nepafenac and Fluorometholone on Macular Thickness After Posterior Capsulotomy Using Neodymium-doped Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet Laser
Cemile Ucgul Atilgan, Pinar Kosekahya, Esat Yetkin, Mehtap Caglayan, Yasin Sakir Goker, Selam Yekta Sendul
PMCID: PMC8784478  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.96158  Pages 64 - 72

3. Ocular and Systemic Results of Intravitreal Bevacizumab Injection in Retinopathy of Prematurity Treatment
Sadik Gorkem Cevik, Mediha Tok Cevik, Irfan Perente
PMCID: PMC8784485  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.46855  Pages 73 - 80

4. Evaluation of Central Macula, Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer, and Ganglion Cell Complex Thickness in Congenital Color Vision Deficiency
Ercan Ozsoy, Fatih Celik, Nagehan Can, Elif Yusufoglu, Dogukan Comerter
PMCID: PMC8784479  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.83703  Pages 81 - 85

5. Static and Dynamic Pupil Characteristics in Myopic Anisometropic Amblyopia
Hasan Kiziltoprak, Kemal Tekin, Esat Yetkin, Mehmet Ali Sekeroglu
PMCID: PMC8784473  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.08760  Pages 86 - 92

6. Inner Retinal Layer Disease: Multiple Sclerosis
Mehmet Cem Sabaner, Resat Duman, Rahmi Duman, Ersan Cetinkaya, Kenan Yigit, Hayri Demirbas
PMCID: PMC8784488  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.65982  Pages 93 - 101

7. Serum Vitamin D Level and Body Mass Index in Children with Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
Gonul Karatas Durusoy, Yalcin Karakucuk, Beril Tulu Aygun, Banu Solmaz
PMCID: PMC8784476  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.75047  Pages 102 - 107

8. Comparison of Toric Intraocular Lens Alignment Using Image-Guided System and Manual Marking Technique
Bulent Kose, Hakika Erdogan
PMCID: PMC8784482  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.40427  Pages 108 - 113

9. Evaluation of Demographic Features of Eyelid Lesions
Korhan Fazil, Safak Karslioglu, Muslime Akbaba, Ibrahim Bulent Buttanri, Didem Serin, Gamze Ozturk Karabulut, Damla Bektasoglu
PMCID: PMC8784487  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.53824  Pages 114 - 117

10. Evaluation of the Long-term Effect of Ethambutol Usage on the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Using Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography
Gul Varan, Leyla Hazar, Ahmet Sahin
PMCID: PMC8784483  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.96658  Pages 118 - 121

11. Histopathological Evaluation of Pterygium Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Ozgur Erogul, Leyla Eryigit Erogul, Nilay Sen Korkmaz, Fatih Celik, Mustafa Dogan, Hamidu Hamisi Gobeka
PMCID: PMC8784475  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.43434  Pages 122 - 128

12. Results of Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Injection in Choroidal Neovascularization Caused by Pathologies Other Than Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Mehmet Ozveren
PMCID: PMC8784474  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.30316  Pages 129 - 134

13. Evaluation of Clinical Findings, Optical Coherence Tomography, Fundus Fluorescein Angiography, and Indocyanine Green Angiography Imaging in Patients with Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy
Ruveyde Garip, Dilek Yasa, Abdullah Ozkaya
PMCID: PMC8784484  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.08379  Pages 135 - 141

14. Isolated Superior Ophthalmic Vein Thrombosis Associated with Orbital Cellulitis: Case Report
Zeynep Ozer Ozcan, Alper Mete
PMCID: PMC8784481  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.37450  Pages 142 - 145

15. Valsalva Maculopathy Associated with a Sudden, Forceful Shout
Bengi Ece Kurtul, Ahmet Elbeyli, Sait Coskun Ozcan
PMCID: PMC8784486  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.16878  Pages 146 - 148

16. Xerophthalmia: Findings from the Eye Lead to Diagnosis of a Fatal Intestinal Disease
Beril Tulu Aygun, Burcin Kepez Yildiz, Deniz Ogutmen Koc, Yusuf Yildirim
PMCID: PMC8784477  doi: 10.14744/bej.2020.93063  Pages 149 - 152

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